350 S. Hyde Park Ave., Tampa, FL

Adults & Families

Small Groups

Goal: Fellowship

In Acts 2:42 we read that the early Christian church was “devoted to the fellowship,” which is to say they were devoted to one another. This was a genuine commitment to one another that shaped the way these early Christians lived their lives. While our cultural context is different than that of the first century, we believe that the call of the gospel on our lives remains the same. Small Groups at Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church provide a context for building deep and lasting relationships as we pray, study the Bible, and share the joys and sorrows of life together. Each of our Elders leads a Small Group for devotion and prayer around God’s Word 1-2 times each month, and we also have a Young Adult Small Group that meets two times each month.

Neighborhood Outreach Dinner

Come Serve!

We are in need of volunteers to assist with our ministry to the homeless each Thursday night which takes place between 4:00-7:30 pm. We could use people to help at any point in the evening, even if not for the entire evening. If your schedule allows, please consider joining us for however long your schedule allows.

“For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything.” 1 Thessalonians 1:8


• 4:00pm – Cooking starts
• 5:30pm – Doors open 
Talk to the men and women in attendance. Build relationships and see if God will use those relationships to bring people to himself.
• 6:30pm – Food is served
• 7:15pm – Clean up

Bible Studies

At Holy Trinity

Our Fall Bible studies will take place on Wednesdays at the church. See below for the various meeting times and sign up to participate here. Contact Sarah Fisher with questions and for information about getting materials for the studies.

Women’s Study – Hebrews
Wednesdays, 10:00 am & 6:30 pm

Men’s Study – Hebrews
Wednesdays, 6:30 pm

Childcare is provided for all sessions.


Men’s Bible Study

College Hill Bible Study
Tuesdays, 6:30–7:30 am Meets via Zoom presently.
The men are currently studying the book of Nahum.

Family Ministry

Foundational Biblical Convictions for Family Ministry

This blessing comes with great responsibility because the Lord desires godly offspring (Mal 3:15; Gen 18:18-19).

(Deut 6:4-25) Parents are charged by God to raise their children in the knowledge, fear, and admonition of the Lord.

God gives responsibilities to both parents and children (Gen 17:7, 27; Acts 2:38-39; 1 Cor 7:14).

Both the Old and New Covenants include children in the promises, practices, and public assemblies of the people of God (Ps 103:17-18; Acts 2:39; Deut 6:6-7; Matt 19:14; Neh 8:2; Eph 6:1).

A part of God’s instruction concerns their duties as parents (Eph 6:1-4; 1 Peter 3:1-7). The church also has an obligation to disciple parents in their faith. This includes assisting them in the practical fulfillment of their pastoral duties.

A part of God’s instruction concerns their duties as children of the covenant (Eph 6:1-4; Prov 1:8).

The church has an obligation to disciple children in a way relevant and applicable to their age. The church must also assist them in the practical fulfillment of their duties.

They have unique ministry needs which the Scriptures address (Titus 2:5-6).

It is important for the church to remember that children share in all of its rights and privileges. This fact should be appropriately reflected in the life of the church.

Since children are a part of the larger church body, they are dependent upon it. They should not be unduly separated from the rest of the body (1 Cor 12:23-27). Just like men and women are subsets with separate meetings, but are still part of the whole.

They have the same fundamental sin problems and gospel solutions as any other member of the church. Furthermore, this redemption is applied to children in the same manner as it is to adults (Acts 2:41-42).

Non-Christian children in the broader community are a missiological people-group to which the church is called to spread the gospel (Matt 28:19-20).

What This Looks Like in Practice

A common concern expressed by parents is “my children do not seem to be getting anything out of our church services.” Children are squirming in the pew, coloring, and distracting those around them.

However, we must “live by faith, not by sight.” While it appears to us that our children are profiting little from church gatherings, there are two biblical truths that we must keep in view:

First, ordinary means grow children.
Worship, prayer, sacraments, and fellowship are the primary ways any Christian grows. We call these the “ordinary means of grace” (Acts 2:42).

The Bible shows us that these ordinary means are for everyone, not just adults. For example, children are always assumed to be present in public worship (Neh 8:2; Eph 6:1).

We must believe that God will be faithful to use these means to grow our children through them as he has promised to do.

Second, our goals are long term.
We must not be short-sighted in our evaluation of our children’s growth.

Biblically, the measuring rod of success is “trans-generational.” We do not get the report card on whether or not our ministry is “working” for our children, until we see whether or not they and their children after them continue in the faith (Ps 103:17).

Building solid Christians is a life-long project that cannot be measured by how well our children seem to be paying attention in a given service. More is caught than taught.

The long-term impact of children being involved in a covenant community where they see adults worshipping, praying, and studying the word cannot be underestimated.

At HTPC we firmly believe that this is the God-ordained pattern for bringing up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We believe by faith that those brought up in this way will not depart from it when they are older (Prov 22:6).

Our Ministries

Children's Ministry
Student Ministry
Adult Ministry
Local/Global Missions
Music Ministry
Small Groups
Bible Study
After School Program
Family Ministry